Presbytery of Western North Carolina
Name:__________________________________ Church: ____________________________
Day phone # __________________ Night # ________________ Email: __________________
Complete Address: ___________________________________________________________
Times Available: _____________________________________________________________
{days of the week; or specific dates; or for how long (e.g., one week in January)}
Type of vehicle/#number of passengers, if willing to drive to site __________________________
Health Insurance Co/Policy # ____________________________________________________
Medical problems that might limit your activities ______________________________________
Emergency contact: _______________________ Phone #'s: ___________________________
Primary physician's name and number: _____________________________________________
Foreman (F) - able to lay out amterials and work, oversee others
Journeyman (J) - skilled and equipped
Handyman (H) - some experience and equipment
Unskilled (U) - no skill
Circle the appropriate level of each skill. Also note at bottom if you are NC licensed in a trade.
Specify details and particulars in final column where appropriate.
F |
J |
H |
U |
Concrete - forming/pouring/finishing | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Masonry - block/brick |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Plumbing | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Electrical | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Heating/Cooling | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Rough Carpentry - framing/repairs | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Finish Carpentry - doors/cabinets/trim | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Roofing | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Hanging drywall | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Finishing drywall | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Siding - vinyl/aluminum/wood | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Painting | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Laying carpet | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Laying linoleum | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Administrative/Office | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Counseling Casework | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Operating Equipment | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Medical Traning | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Camp Cooking | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Cooking for a crowd | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Photography | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Writing | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Child Care | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Bible study/group reflection leadership | |
F |
J |
H |
U |
Music |
Please list any other gifts of personality, training, or experience that you think might be useful to a mission team (patience, ability to speak Spanish; physically strong, etc.)
If you want to be entered into the Presbytery of WNC data bank of potential disaster team participants, please return this form to:
PWNC Disaster Response Network
114 Silver Creek Rd
Morganton, NC 28655