Presbytery of Western North Carolina

The Peace & Global Witness Offering gives your congregation the opportunity to support peacemaking within your church, community and the world. A Peace & Global Witness Offering packet containing sample resources to help churches promote the offering is sent by the PC(USA) to each congregation in the summer. They include a poster, minutes for mission, worship resources for World Communion Sunday, children’s activities, bulletin inserts, reproducible art, a coin box and an offering envelope. The Peace & Global Witness Offering is received by most congregations on World Communion Sunday, celebrated the first Sunday in October and is divided as follows:
25% is kept by your church and your church decides how to use it in ways that “make for peace”.
75% is sent to Presbytery which
- Sends 67% to General Assembly for the peacemaking program
- Sends 11% to Synod for peacemaking projects
- Keeps 22% for Presbytery – each year the Peace & Justice Committee decides which projects to support with its portion.
Go to for more information.
Other Helpful Links:
- - A grassroots organization in 188 countries building a global climate movement
- Guide to Green Shopping
- Gun Violence Responsibility
- PC(USA) Office of Public Witness
- Five Calls